3Commas CEO Says API Key Leak After Warning From CZ


In response to losses allegedly caused by a 3Comma key breach of API earlier this month, the CEO of Binance has since advised turning off 3Comma API keys.

Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance has already warned his twitter followers that on 28th Dec, he is completely sure that the key breaches of API are happening at the crypto trading platform.

The disclosure of Chanpeng Zhao has said that he observed an incident on 9th Dec, after Binance cancelling their user accounts complaining about losing cash a day prior.

The user said that a breach of API bind with the firm was being used to fake trade records on a lower capital crypto to push its prices up and make a profit. Binance however did not reimbursed the user. The CEO said that this loss could not be verified and if the company end up making losses, they will pay the users to help them lose their API Keys.

3Commas CEO Talks About API Breach:

On December 11, the Founder of 3Commas, Sorokin, stated on the business blog that phony screenshots were spreading on YouTube and Twitter allegedly proving the firm’s insufficient security and workers’ theft of API credentials. An extensive technical examination of the photographs revealed that Sorokin refuted the claims.

Late October saw the start of 3Commas’ cybersecurity difficulties. In response to allegations from users of unlawful transactions of currency pairs with the DMG currency on FTX just at that time, the still operational FTX platform issued a safety notice. The trades were carried out using accounts that were established by hackers, according to 3Commas as well as FTX. The API keys, though, “were not obtained via 3Commas rather from outside the 3Commas system,” the 3Commas blog claims.