K.IM By Kim Dotcom Goes Public With Its Announcement Of BTC Cash Integration

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Kim Dotcom has recently made a public announcement this very month. They have announced utilizing Bitcoin Cash in their latest innovation, K.IM.

Kim Dotcom had previously created Megaupload and has come up with K.IM which is a collection of tools that will be assisting every person all over the world with easier management, protection, and selling of digital content. All these enabling tools will be offered to consumers at extremely low fees along with the absence of intermediaries.

K.IM Offering Cost-Effective Digital Tools

Megaupload has its official website under the name Dotcom. It was once the thirteenth most popular and customer-friendly website across the Internet. It was responsible for the 4% Internet traffic by offering file shops which are transformed from digital files, as reported.

Users will be able to use the service for the purpose of packaging a particular file which they intend to sell to an encrypted file container. Along with that, they will be able to place that file anywhere they want on the Internet.

In case any customer wants to access the data in the container, will have to make a payment with a cryptocurrency including Bitcoin Cash. This entire process will be conducted on and through K.IM.

Dotcom has stated they are thrilled about K.IM as well as Bitcoin Cash. They informed, that BTC is an amazing tool for the storage of assets, and Bitcoin Cash can be a great way of making payments for the services. Users will also get new financial prospects, investors, and vendors.

K.IM is presently under development for updates that will soon be implemented. The platform will be launched in the 4th quarter of 2021.