This Quarter Should Be Beneficial For The EPS Predicted For HOLI


Quite a few brokerages have predicted that the stocks of HOLI would be posting an EPS of $0.49 for the present quarter, as mentioned by Zacks. In a report, the analysts haven’t specified the upper and the lower limits of the earnings estimate. Yet, the company did post an EPS of $0.56 the previous year, so it is indicative of a negative annual growth rate of about 12.5%. The company will be posting its next quarterly earnings data on the 17th of February. 

The Quarterly Earnings Results of HOLI

HOLI previously announced its earnings results on the 17th of November. The producer of industrial hardware had reported an EPS of $0.34 for the present quarter, which beat out the Thomson Reuters estimate of around $0.46. The revenue earned by the company during this point was $129.47 million. The net margin of the company has been set at 13.79%, while the return on its equity has been set at 7.07%. 

There are quite a few research analysts who have commented on the stocks of HOLI. ValuEngine has already increased the rating of the company from a rating of strong sell to a rating of sell in a 1st December research report. BidaskClub has gone the other way and has lowered the rating of the company from buy to hold in a 30th December research report. In the end, Zacks Investment Research went ahead and increased the rating of HOLI from sell to hold in a 13th November research report.

The shares of HOLI traded at $15.12 last Wednesday. The quick ratio of the company is 3.20, while the current ratio has been fixed at 3.35. The moving average of the firm over 50-days is $14.09, and the moving average of the firm over 200-days is $12.38. The company has a year low of $9.52, and the year high has been set at $17.59. The market cap of the firm has been set at $915.32 million, with a beta of 0.98, and a PE ratio fixed at 13.03.