How Can You Conduct Facebook Data Analysis For The Best Insights?

Facebook data analysis

Thousands of marketers prefer Facebook data analysis not just because of its incredible analytical tool but also because it boasts millions of users from across the age demographic. For anyone who wants to understand user behavior and the trends of the current times, Facebook profile analysis, along with Facebook metrics is an invaluable resource. 

If you have any background in marketing, you must already know why user analysis is important. It’s even more important to be up to date on the current workings of Facebook’s algorithm since they change very fast. In this fast-paced digital world of ours, if you fail to keep in touch with the trends (even if your brand has a niche audience), it will be a tough time for you as a marketer. 

In this article, we will tell you how to use Facebook analytics. And, more importantly, how to use Facebook audience insights. If you are just beginning to pay attention to this invaluable analysis tool, this article is for you. Here’s a simple guide to ace Facebook data analysis!

Facebook Data Analysis

There are several steps to analyze your data from Facebook. It’s always a good idea to have a clear cut strategy in mind. We will tell you what path you should follow. Read along!

Facebook Analytics Of Other Pages

You will surely receive a lot of crucial data to expand your business and improve your brand. However, before getting into that, it is important to understand how your competitors function. A good Facebook analytics of other pages will tell you what you can do to not only stay in the game but stay above everyone in the game. 

Who Are Your Competitors?

While conducting Facebook analytics of other pages, it is important that you look into posts that are related to the industry your brand comes under, your competition, and your brand’s post. 

If you are new and don’t know where to start, here’s a simple marketing method you can follow to identify your competitors. 

One, you can google keywords that are most relevant to your brand and your posts. If your brand goes beyond the local market, you can google key phrases that are most relevant to the genre and industry your brand comes under. Secondly, go through your followers’ profile and check who they are following. It’s more likely that whoever your core audience follows will be your competitors. Take an overview of the data and check which ones are competition to you. This is where Facebook profile analysis and Facebook page insight come together. 

Facebook Competitors Analysis

What are your competitors doing? Sweep through your competitors and identify the top five businesses to compare your performance with. Some of the data you should focus on are what kinds of posts they are creating, who many times are they posting, and what is their engagement with their followers like. 

You can choose to conduct Facebook data analysis manually. However, it can be a tiring process. Moreover, since there are many analysis software available, it seems like a waste of time to conduct a manual Facebook data analysis. You can use Sprout Social’s Facebook competitors analysis tools to save your time. Through this tool, you can get a volume on how active your competitors are and what kind of posts they are making. 

You will also receive a detailed breakdown of how many times they are posting and their level of engagement with their customers per every single post. Through this Facebook data analysis, you can create a goal for yourself. This is important because although products and services are important, it’s equally important to create brand awareness. 

Moreover, if you choose to go with Sprout Social Facebook competitors analysis, they even offer a 30-day free trial. 

Collect Data On Your Brand

If you have finished analyzing your competition, it is time to analyze your own performance. You need to conduct Facebook page insight on your own brand. Collect as much data from Facebook post insights to understand how each one of your posts is performing. 

Conduction Facebook insight analysis is easy. You can simply visit your brand’s Facebook Page Manager. Then, go to insights. The platform will automatically show a Facebook data analysis of one month. However, if you think you need detailed data on more or fewer days you can simply toggle the settings to do that. 

Facebook data analysis
How Can You Conduct Facebook Data Analysis For The Best Insights? 4

Once that is done, to analyze and manipulate that data, you can download it by clicking the Overview Tab. Then, click the Export Data button. Facebook will then show you three types of data that you can download. These are Video data, Post data, and Page data. What we recommend is that you download all the three data to conduct a thorough Facebook data analysis. 

Page data will show you the particulars of your brand’s engagement with sources and your audiences. posts data will provide your Facebook metrics on how many impressions your post made and how many people did it reach. Video data, on the other hand, will give your insight into Facebook metrics such as the number of views, whether paid, organic, or unique. 

It’s Time To Analyse Your Facebook Page Insights 

Like we mentioned before, it’s always a good idea to have a clear vision about how to use Facebook analytics. We suggest that you divide these data into two segments. First, let’s look into the page stage of your Facebook metrics. Then, let’s look at the particular page stage of your Facebook metrics. 

Facebook Post Likes

In this segment, we will explain to you how to use Facebook audience insights. “Likes” simply indicates the total number of individuals who have engaged with your brand by liking your post. 

This Facebook metric is a fairly important one because it doesn’t just indicate your brand’s level of engagement with your customer, but it also shows your competitors how you are doing with audience engagement, which increases your brand’s legitimacy. 

To conduct an in-depth Facebook data analysis of your likes, you can visit your Lifetime Likes tab. It will show you the total number of likes your page has received in your preferred time period. Now, the best way to conduct an analysis of a Facebook page would be to identify the days and the particular times of the day when your posts performed well. 

Then, you need to compare this data with your post data. Which posts generated an ideal response from your target audience? Is it something that you can use to modify your brand? Or, does it have to do with the times and days that your target audience is most active on the platform? Mixing these data and analyzing them will help you increase the likes on your page. 

You can also compare the Daily New Likes with your Daily New Unlikes. Analyze this along with your post data to get an optimum idea of what works best for your brand. 

You can also check the tab Where Your Page Likes Happen to get an insight into where your core customers are coming to you from. Where have you invested in ads? Which platforms do you think are paying you best by returning your investment through an influx of audiences? Your customers could be reaching you through your website or through various other platforms that you have invested in as your outreach strategy. This Facebook data analysis will help you understand what platform and which marketing strategies are working for you. 

Engaged Users 

This term indicates the number of customers who have clicked or engaged with your post in any way. It includes likes and shares, among other things. This Facebook metric shows you the number of individuals who have shared your post as a story or otherwise. Through this data, you can get Facebook page insights and Facebook post insights about how your target audience is reacting to your brand. 

Video Statistics 

Like post insights and page insights, the video stats give you an insight into how your video is performing amongst your target audience. 

You can check this through the Total Video Views tab. Again, it usually shows a total data of one month, but you can toggle the settings to your preferred time period. Facebook analysis tools also provide Daily Total Number Of Times a Video Has Been Seen Again. The higher this number, the better it is for you. It indicates that people are revisiting or replaying your video because they like your content. 

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Facebook page analysis also provides you with data regarding the total duration of a video that an individual has viewed your video. Are people watching your video till the end? If they are skipping your video, why it is? Is there a pattern you can identify where people are skipping your video at a particular time? These are some of the questions you can consider to improve your video content. It will immensely help you with your outreach program. 

Facebook Post Insights

Facebook post insights are an extremely important Facebook analysis tool because it doesn’t just tell you how far your posts’ reach is but also how many people are engaging with your posts. You can divide Facebook post insights into two segments to make the best use of it. 

First, you can look at the reach of your overall and particular posts. How many people have seen your post? How many people are viewing your video content? What are the impressions like?

Secondly, you can look at the level of engagement your posts get. This includes consumption, impression, as well as feedback; negative and positive. 

Post Reach

This Facebook data analysis tool indicates your post’s reach. How many unique individuals have come across your post? 

The post impression is quite similar to list reach. However, it indicates the total number of unique individuals who have viewed your post. 

Your post reach and impression depends on Facebook’s algorithm. There are a number of factors that decide your “ranking”. Some of the factors are the number of times your lists receive likes, comments, likes, and overall clicks. 

Do you notice a spike in your post’s reach and impression on any particular days or any particular time of the day? What kinds of posts are performing well with your target audience? These are some of the questions that you can focus on to make the best use of your Facebook data analysis. 

User Engagement

User engagement can be divided into three kinds. Unique individuals either comment on your post, like or react to your post, or share your post. 

These Facebook post insights will help you understand what’s working best for your brand. What is it that your target audience likes? What content do they respond to best? After analyzing these details, you can modify your content to generate organic traffic for your business. 

It’s important to stick to what marketing strategies work best for you. However, it is also important that you keep doing small-budget experiments so that content doesn’t go stale. 


Facebook shares are a great source of organic traffic to your brand. They indicate more than anything that your brand is really striking a chord with your target audiences, which in turn ensures a higher conversion rate. 

It’s even more important and effective than comments and likes because it basically means that someone is vouching for your brand. It gives you brand legitimacy and shows other people and businesses that your brand has core loyal customers. 

There are several ways an individual can share your post. It can either be on their timeline, their friends’ page, on a Facebook group, private chats, or on pages that they manage. 

Keeping track of this Facebook data analysis tool will give you crucial insights on which posts you should focus on. The higher the number of shares, the higher your chances are of being more visible in Facebook’s algorithm. 


This Facebook data analysis tool gives you direct access to your target audiences. Through this Facebook metric, you can check how people are responding to your brand. What are they demanding? It’s direct feedback, which is invaluable to you as a marketer. 

Digital marketing is really all about analyzing data and strategizing accordingly. The internet is a hub of data. All you need to do is all listen and modify your actions. 

You will come across positive as well as negative comments. Do not take anything to heart. Pay attention to only constructive criticism. Besides, Facebook’s algorithm does not take negative comments separately into account. It only sees that your post is getting a lot of engagement, which is great for your “ranking.”

That said, you still need to make an effort to garner positive feedback from your target audiences. 

Post And Link Clicks

Every little detail in the Facebook post insights is important and interlinked. The more you engage with your target audience, the higher your visibility will be, which means a higher conversion rate, which in turn leads to more clicks and engagement. 

You can check your Facebook’s Consumption Metric by visiting your Lifetime Post Consumers through the Type tab. You can access Link Clicks, Clicks To Play, and Other Clicks (comments, shares, and likes). You can also access the total number of people who have viewed your photos. 

After this thorough Facebook data analysis, you must make relevant and appropriate changes to your content and your brand. Digital marketing is all about being on top of things constantly. Especially at the beginning. If your brand awareness is not great, you cannot afford to become inactive. Once your brand has garnered enough loyal customers, your outreach program can take some off time, even then, it shouldn’t be inactive for a long time. 

How To Use Facebook Analytics To Maximize Your Profits?

We have told you all there is to know about Facebook profile analysis. Now, you need to understand how to use Facebook analytics to maximize your profits. 

Focusing on the right questions and finding the right answers are crucial to Facebook data analysis. At this point, you should note that there is no one marketing strategy that works the same for everyone. Every brand is different. And so, you need to figure out what works best for you. Even then, there are a few questions that will help you create your best marketing strategy. Here are some of the questions you should focus on. 

What Message Strikes A Chord With Your Target Audience?

This question is crucial to understand which posts work best for your brand. It’s important to modify your brand and content accordingly so that you can increase engagement with your customers. 

For this Facebook data analysis, simply visit your Facebook Top Posts and click on the link to your Post Performance Report. 

There, you will find how each of your posts has performed. Analyzing this will help you create content similar to the ones that have performed the best. 

What Kind Of Post Gets Shared The Most?

To run an effective marketing campaign, you need to create and post different kinds of posts. They can be text-based, links, videos, or even Facebook status. Use all of them, but focus on the one that works best for you. 

What Kinds Of Audiences Does Your Brand Have?

Take Facebook profile analysis into account and understand the kind of audiences you have. You need to understand that even in your target audience, there will be different categories of consumers. The categories will be divided based on many factors. Some of them include demographics, interests, geographical locations, etc. 

Facebook data analysis
How Can You Conduct Facebook Data Analysis For The Best Insights? 6

For this Facebook data analysis, you can visit Facebook Audience Demographics on your detailed report. Make use of this data when you plan out your future content. 

Which Geographical Locations Should You Focus?

Here’s the thing. Since the advent of digital marketing, businesses have been able to reach a global audience. So, even if your business is based in Kansas, you can still be doing better in the European market. This is where geo-targeting comes into action. 

You can find the data from your detailed Facebook data analysis report. 

What Time Or Day Works Best For You?

This question is related to where your target audiences are located. Even categories of consumers become active on particular days or particular hours of the day. 

Beaded on your brand and the Industry it comes under, these timings will differ. Focus on this to maximize engagement with each post. 

What Should You Do After Your Facebook Data Analysis?

Digital marketing can be quite stressful if you don’t know how to manage your time appropriately. If you are still wondering how to use Facebook analytics, here are a couple of steps that will help you create the best marketing strategy for your brand. 

1. Create your SWOT. This term stands for your strengths, your weaknesses, your opportunities, and your threats. 

2. Write down what your efforts are and identify gaps where you can improve. 

3. Run a brainstorming session to take your brand apart from all your competitors. What can you do that none of your competitors are doing?

Facebook Data Analysis For Your Brand

We have told you all there is to know about Facebook insight analysis. You even know how to use Facebook audience insights. The last advice we can give you is to keep practicing your marketing skills. Be consistent and ever-active. 

Sure, it will be overwhelming in the beginning. This is why we have laid out this detailed guide to help you in each step of the way. 

Use the Facebook data analysis tools and improve your online presence. Remember that a higher engagement will lead to higher conversion opportunities and rates.