5 Top Web App Development Trends Dominating In 2021 

Web App Development
Web App Development

There are several top web app development trends dominating in 2021. According to a recent survey, over 70% of businesses have identified poor website UX, UI, or configuration as their most significant weaknesses. With consumers increasingly purchasing items from online stores, business owners need fast, well-designed web apps to keep customers engaged on their site. As a web developer, you can improve clients’ applications by following the latest digital trends. Indeed, these often pave the way for successful long-term sites. Of course, improving clients’ web products secures more business for your tech company as well. Read on to discover the top web app development trends dominating in 2021. 

Progressive Web Applications 

First, progressive web applications (PWA) are one of the top trends in web application development. Importantly, a PWA runs independently of the browser. Simultaneously, it interacts with the customer as a native application. With this configuration, PWAs can decrease loading times to under one second, which is important to keep users on websites longer. In addition, recent data shows global mobile traffic is projected to become nearly 4.5x larger by 2026. Since PWAs foster a mobile-first approach, they usually offer a smooth installation on smartphone devices. In addition, PWAs’ responsive mobile formats can improve Google search results as well. In short, there has been several revolutionary trends to progressive web and mobile apps during pandemic 

DevOps Implementation  

Next, many web application developers are implementing the DevOps methodology this year. With a DevOps approach, operations and development engineers collaborate throughout the entire service lifecycle. Additionally, DevOps emphasizes automation to increase delivery speeds. To effectively implement this methodology into your enterprise, complete a DevOps engineer training course. For example, Build Tools Integration from JFrog goes through the essential tools to automate your deployments with CI/CD. Additionally, it explains integration concepts to facilitate high efficiency. Definitely, many web app developers are implementing DevOps to increase speed and collaboration. 

Content Personalization Through ML 

In addition, content personalization through machine learning (ML) is another major web app development trend to look out for. Notably, machine learning software analyzes incoming data to detect patterns and make decisions. Many web apps use machine learning algorithms to customize search results and increase their sales. For example, Netflix engineers employed an advanced ML-based algorithm to showcase content tailored to users’ preferences. This algorithm can target the individual users’ needs, rather than a segment of users. Then, it can produce more accurate recommendations and search results geared towards the consumer’s interest. Absolutely, content personalization through ML is dominating web apps this year.   

Voice Search 

Moreover, voice search is another one of the most popular web app development trends of the year. By the end of the year, over half of all smart phones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are projected to hear users and execute commands by voice. Additionally, studies estimate there will be over 8 billion digital voice assistants in use by 2023. Notably, voice search allows people to spend less time typing messages and commands. Of course, this technology also increases accessibility for disabled users as well. To optimize your web applications for voice search inquiries, mix up terminology to provide a varied set of keywords and phrases. This way, it becomes significantly easier for users to find your content. 

Motion UI 

Furthermore, motion UI is another major web app trend dominating 2021. Importantly, motion UI is essential to grab the user’s attention to focus their interest to a specific area on a site. Of course, you can also use it to project data or increase a logo design’s sophistication level. Often, motion UI is designed to keep a site simple and high quality. Indeed, many developers’ moderate designs often get higher traffic and engagement from users. Since most web animations use CSS and stand-alone libraries, developers can create motion in their digital products fairly quickly. This can also lower development costs as well. With increased attractiveness and higher engagement, motion UI is one of the most popular web app trends of 2021. 

There are several top web app development trends dominating in 2021. First, progressive web applications offer high mobile responsiveness to increase Google search rankings. Next, many web app developers are implementing the DevOps methodology to increase their deployment speeds. In addition, content personalization through ML is another major trend to look out for. Moreover, voice search is another one of the most popular web app development trends. Furthermore, many web app developers are leveraging motion UI to increase engagement. Consider these points to learn about the top web app development trends domination 2021.