You Can Get $1,800 In CTC Stimulus Check Payments, Here’s How

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Suffering families are eligible to receive $1,800 in CTC stimulus checks per child when their tax returns are filed next year.

These advance stimulus checks will be sent to millions and can be worth up to $300 from the 15th of December.

Payments that are sent by direct deposit are assumed to land in their bank accounts days later, meaning families could receive a cash boost before Christmas.

December’s stimulus check will be the ultimate installment of monthly child tax credits but families can pocket up to $1,800 when tax returns are filed next year.

How Can You Be Eligible For This New Stimulus Check?

Parents who bear dependents between ages 6 to 17 will be eligible to claim stimulus checks up to $1,500. Some have opted out of the advance payments earlier in this year, which means that they will receive $3,600 per child when they file their taxes.

Parents who are expecting a new baby in the month of December are also eligible for this extra stimulus check.

Any payments that the residents had missed would be included in their tax refund, as stated by CNET.

If parents are still waiting for a previous child tax credit payment, then it should be included within December’s check.

It’s unknown if advance child tax credit payments will continue into next year as senators are currently debating Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan.

The package includes a proposal to extend tax credits and was passed by House Democrats in November, but it is possible the Senate will not make a decision until next year.

In July, Biden called for the expanded child tax credit to be extended until 2025. Families are “pleading” with lawmakers to extend the “stimulus checks” into next year.