Stimulus Check Update: 150 Families Will Receive $1000 Monthly


ARP funds will be used to deliver $1,000 stimulus checks over the following 24 months.

The guaranteed income stimulus check idea announced on May 17, would help 150 California families. The Alameda City Council in California passed the measure 3-2. Over 11,000 residences are eligible, according to the city council, but only 150 will be picked. Participants in guaranteed income schemes have often received unconditional monthly cash transfers to satisfy their basic needs. In Spring 2022, a Request for Applications (RFA) procedure will be published to identify suitable candidates for funding. This program helps qualified organizations run pilot programs and projects that offer participants a guaranteed income.

The Stimulus Checks Will Be Sent Monthly

Over the next five years, this program is estimated to cost $35 million. One of the programs will provide low-income families with up to $1,000 stimulus check a month for the next two years. This money will go toward grants to qualified groups to start or expand pilot projects around the county and the administration and evaluation of these programs to help shape future policy decisions.

Because of the flexibility, people may make purchase selections that best suit their needs. Baltimore is the latest city to put to the test a legal solution to inequality that’s gaining traction around the country: guaranteed income, which puts cash in the hands of people who need it most. Guaranteed income provides a fixed monthly cash distribution. The payments are unique among assistance programs in that they are made without condition. Mayor Brandon Scott announced the plan last week, in which 200 parents aged 18 to 24 will get an unconditional cash payout of $1,000 each month for two years.

Scott joined the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income last year, a group of over 60 mayors from across the country devoted to exploring guaranteed income as a strategy to tackle increasing wealth imbalances.