CA Stimulus Check: When Is The Next Round Coming?

Bored Ape
Bored Ape

The next batch of stimulus payments from the California government will be arriving as soon as the coming week. However, whether you get the checks or not depends on whether you qualify for them. The Tax Board of the California Franchise will determine your eligibility.

The Latest On The Golden State Stimulus Check

The CFTB has stated that eligible residents will be sent stimulus check payments between $500 and $1100. The amount will either be directly deposited or via paper checks that will be incremented every two weeks.

The California stimulus checks are aimed towards families in the state who have been hit the hardest due to the coronavirus pandemic. Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, claimed that an estimated 67% of residents of the state will qualify for the stimulus checks worth $600. Residents who have children will be receiving an extra $500.

This will be the second time the Golden State Stimulus checks are being sent out. It is notable that those who received relief money during the previous round of the GS Stimulus will not be receiving any money during the GSS II (the abbreviation for the 2nd California stimulus payment).

To be eligible, the annual gross income (or AGI) of the residents has to be less than $75,000 as filed in the tax year for 2020. They also must have been a California resident for over six months of the tax year of 2020. They must also be a resident of the state on the day the payment gets issued. Finally, another taxpayer cannot claim the individual as their dependent.

Officials of the state estimate that the payments will start from September 2021. To check the qualification status and official estimate regarding the amount you are getting, you can visit