INTC Has Been Given Its Earnings For Q3 2021


Several equities researchers working at Jefferies Financial have already reduced the EPS estimates for the stocks of INTC in a 23rd April research note. M. Lipacis, one of the major analysts for the brokerage, has announced that the company will be putting up an EPS of $1.09 for this quarter, which is quite a reduction from their previous estimate of $1.17. 

The Quarterly Estimates Of INTC

INTC previously announced its quarterly earnings on the 21st of April. The maker of chips reported an EPS of $1.39 for this quarter, which was more than the consensus estimate of $1.15. The revenue generated by the company during this period was $18.60 billion, which is considerably more than the consensus estimate of $17.97 billion. The return on equity for the company was 29.44%, with a 28.10% net margin. 

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of INTC. The Bank of America has already put up a rating of sell with a price target of $62 on the stocks in a 30th March research note. Evercore ISI has also increased the price target of the company in a research note from $68 to $75 with a rating of ‘in-line’ on the 30th of March. Oppenheimer has also reiterated the rating of hold in a 22nd January research note. Atlantic Securities has also increased the rating of the company from underweight to neutral, along with a price target increased from $36 to $55 in a 14th January research note. 

The stocks of INTC traded on Monday at $59.24. The moving average price of the company over a period of 50 days is $64.04, with the moving average price of the company set over 200 days fixed at $55.25. The debt-to-equity ratio of the company during this period was 0.48, with a 1.66 current ratio, and a 1.24 quick ratio. The market capitalization of the company during this period was $241.25 billion, with a 11.62 PE ratio, along with a 1.63 PEG ratio.