Users Of Gmail Are Advised To Act Or Face A Very Expensive Mistake


Yes, we do sense aging. It’s incredible to see how far technology has come in two decades, even if the IT industry was skeptical of Gmail at the time.

Even though Google has been at the forefront of many of the technological advancements, some people appear to be stuck in the stone age when it comes to personal cybersecurity. Since there are more people online than ever before, there is a greater possibility than ever for scammers and hackers, thus it is up to us all to be responsible for our online safety.

As Per Action Fraud Gmail And Social Media Platforms Should Be Different From All Other Passwords

Pauline Smith, the head of Action Fraud, issued a warning: “Anyone with a Gmail or social media account can be a target for fraudsters or cyberattacks.” “Protect your information by ensuring your email and social media passwords are secure and different from all your other passwords.” It follows the disclosure in a Red9 analysis that millions of users continue to use simple, weak passwords like “password,” “qwerty,” or “123456.” This is problematic not just because you don’t want anyone reading your emails, but also because your email serves as a doorway to many other online accounts, including social media accounts, and it contains a wealth of personal data that hackers may exploit for their gain.

“Your Gmail and social media passwords should be strong and different from all your other passwords,” according to Action Fraud’s security page. An easy-to-remember password that is difficult to hack may be made by combining three random phrases that have personal meaning for you.”