What is the most important thing regarding to accommodation info to Google BigQuery

Google BigQuery
Google BigQuery

This publication is intended to help those who aspire in different ways of placing info in the Google BigQuery (GBQ) cloud storage from CSV / JSON files using an API or add-on. 
Grand positive feature of GBQ is pleasant correlation between work price and swiftness of info processing using load data in BigQuery. 

It should be borne in mind that processed raw information is placed in unified repository then withdrawn for formation records and analyzes the efficiency of sale and ad process. 
Do you wish process great bulk of info with a minimum of time? Employ Google BigQuery. 
Are you interested to see this? Take a look to the Google Developers YouTube channel and wonder at what you see. 

Building of info selection and spreadsheet 

So, don`t do anything before you determine what information you need for analysis. Coming to the BigQuery, it`s necessary to determine place of dataset and spreadsheet generation. 

Everything the above actions are performed in the Create Dataset showcase. In this case, info must be identified, their position is determined and the working period of spreadsheet is set. 
It should be taken into account that the working period is determined by retain term of the table. 
After completing all the preparatory stages, the table spreadsheet may be formed and the necessary information is ready for accommodate. 

Google BigQuery

OWOX BI BigQuery Reports and spreadsheets 

When the need arises to get info from spreadsheets OWOX BI BigQuery Reports should be placed. This process is possible to implement both straight from spreadsheets and from the Chrome Web Store. After placing OWOX BI BigQuery Reports, the algorithm for further actions is simple and straightforward. Within “OWOX BI BigQuery Reports” partition command “Upload data to BigQuery” might activated. 

In cases where you receive information from different origins and employ it to form records, the most appropriate tool for processing this information is the OWOX BI Pipeline branch. 
This useful tool will help you automatically collect information from sources such as traceability of calls, CRM, and various advertising sources. 

How to download CSV information 

Having necessity to obtain CSV information, specialist must activate the “Load” command in the “Create Table” showcase. 

In this case, origin of information and the place of its application must be choosed. 
Since spreadsheets applied might be either of your own design or used externally, it is necessary to indicate which version of spreadsheet should be applied. 

Next, GBQ will build spreadsheet. Having necessity do this by hand? So adjust the corresponding office, the program provides such opportunity. 

In addition, GBQ provides the ability to operate with additional program parameters in just as the approach to information analysis changes. 

Larger facts of CSV capabilities might be found in documented procedures of Internet Society. 

How to download JSON information  

Having necessity to get JSON information, activate the same algorithm of actions that you used when formed info and built spreadsheet. 

There is only difference here – presence of direct reference to JSON. Origins of JSON files are, for example, Google Drive, Google Cloud Storage, as well as directly your personal electronic device. Larger facts of JSON size might be found in documented procedures of Google Cloud. 

How to download info from Google Cloud Storage 

Having necessity to exchange facts on the Internet with ensuring their secure storage might be employed Google Cloud Storage. 

For even more information, discover official documented information or check out the Google Cloud Help Center. 

How to download information from Google Ads and Google Ad Manager 

If your goal is to get facts from diverse Google origins, it will be impossible without adjustment the BigQuery Data Transfer Service. 

But before start to employ program, specialist must go through the stage of forming or choosing the amount of necessary facts. In addition, in some events billing cannot be dispensed with. 
Larger facts might be found in the Google Cloud Help Center. 

Accumulating facts by API 

Having necessity to work with the Google BigQuery API helping, feel free to use such programming language which specialist prefers. This is where the presence of cloud libraries will help you. 
For even more details of API capabilities, discover documented procedures of Google Cloud.