Over 175,000 Citizens Could Be In For A Surprise Stimulus Check of $1,000 And A $7,500 Raise In 2022: Are You On The List?

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Over 175,000 can expect a surprise boost from the authorities in the form of a $1,000 stimulus check. Florida Governor DeSantis has provided for a $1,000 payment to teachers. This is the second stimulus payment for teachers in Florida in the last two years.

Florida’s teachers can also expect a raise in salary from the current $40,000 to $47,500. The Governor announced his plans for the 2022 education budget last November. He proposed an increase in funds for students K-12 and educators. He also recommended a host of new education investments and other initiatives.

DeSantis announced that by continuing with the efforts to boost the pay of teachers, giving a bonus to teachers and principals, prioritizing the educational workforce, and fostering a robust civics curriculum, the administration aims to bring about a modification in the education sector. He also suggested replacing the FSA through monitoring of progress.

Stimulus Check Amount To Be Used For Teachers’ Rewards And Incentives

The Florida governor recommended the use of federal support for rewarding and incentivizing the 179,000 principals and teachers with the bonus $1,000 stimulus check. The shortage of teachers continues and has worsened due to the pandemic.

The one-off stimulus check will go out to full-time teachers of pre-kindergarten through high school principals and teachers.

The budget also includes $600M for an increase in teachers’ pay. It is an increase of $50M over last year. The goal is to reach $47,500 as the minimum pay for teachers.

The Senate appropriations committee of Florida released the budget for this financial year, and it could be up for approval on Wednesday.

The details of the proposed salary increase are included in the bill. The $1,000 stimulus check will come in only when schools reopen in the fall, similar to the bonus check given last year.

$421M has also been set aside for mental health and school safety initiatives.