Stimulus Check And The Lawmakers Fight For It

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

The federal government of the United States of America has provided stimulus checks to over 169 million citizens. The money was provided in the third batch of the direct payments. Following that, about 2.3 million citizens received a total of 1,400 USD each. This was in the month of June. However, some lawmakers of the country are not satisfied with whatever has been done. According to them, people still need the recurring stimulus checks at least until the coronavirus pandemic comes to an end.

Stimulus Check- The Declining Economy

As far as the response of the federal government is concerned, they have distributed so much money to the citizens who are suffering through a number of schemes and programs. This is done keeping in mind the ones who are extremely affected by the coronavirus pandemic and the economic hardships brought about by it. The stimulus checks money came in the form of the 3200 USD followed by 1200 USD provided as one of the provisions of the Economic Security Act introduced by the government.

Stimulus checks were also provided through the relief program of coronavirus, a scheme that was much debated upon. This was distributed in the month of March this year. Following that, another 600 USD was then provided in the month of December as one of the economic relief measures. The last set of payments was provided under the famous American Rescue Plan. The plan came under President Joe Biden’s and his administration’s approval.

However, despite all the above-mentioned steps taken by the federal government, there still remain some households who are bearing the result of economic hardships. 4 in every 10 people have reported that their incomes have gone very low as compared to the pre-pandemic days.

It has also been reported that many families are having a hard time making their ends meet. So keeping all of these things in mind, the lawmakers have not stopped fighting for their recurring stimulus checks at least until the coronavirus situation in the country is resolved.