There Might Not Be Another Stimulus Check Payment For Citizens In 2023

Stimulus Check Disability Benefit
Stimulus Check

Ever since the pandemic struck the USA, the federal government had issued three separate stimulus check payments to the citizens. They were initially known as the Economic Impact Payments, and they helped millions of citizens evade absolute poverty. The three payments from the government did total around $3000 for each eligible American citizen. The most recent payment was issued in March 2021. But this led to a very important question- was the federal government planning on issuing another stimulus payment to the citizens of the country? The answer is no. 

The Federal Government Is Not Going To Implement Another Stimulus Check Program

The federal government of the USA has no plans of issuing another stimulus check payment in 2023. In order to pass another federal payment, Congress would have to implement another law that would be authorizing a new stimulus payment- something that hasn’t yet happened. A spokesperson for the IRS also stated that such a law had not come into existence- and neither the IRS nor the Department of Treasury had any information regarding the presence of any such law. For Americans to receive the payment, the President of the country would have to sign the payment and turn it into law- something that hasn’t taken place yet. 

The earlier stimulus check payments were considered to be a part of the legislation that had been passed by the sitting President of that time. The first payment had a monetary value of $1,200 and was a part of the CARES Act which was passed in March 2020. The second check came for a sum of $600 and was a part of a spending package that had been passed in December 2020. The third payment had a monetary sum of $1,400 and was heavily included in the American Rescue Plan- which was implemented in March 2021.