Stimulus Check: Reasons Why America Needs A Fourth

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

Stimulus Check demands have grown with time. With each passing day, the demands are getting more vocal. Citizens are finding it extremely difficult to get their lives going. Most Americans have stated that the money provided by the government was not enough. 

A large part of the money was used up in paying off debts. Many households fell behind on paying their rent. The pandemic made a large chunk of the citizens lose their jobs. Although the local businesses have been ordered to reopen, the problem persists. People are having a hard time finding a suitable job for themselves. A lot of people are not being paid sufficiently. This resulted in many families failing to meet their daily necessities. 

A sense of concern has taken over the people of America. They want the government to provide them assistance and assure them amidst dire times. Let us find out whether there is a need for a fourth stimulus check or not.

Stimulus Check Four High On Demand

Stimulus Check we’re designed by the administration of Joe Biden. The plan was sanctioned in the month of March. The checks aimed to provide monetary relief to the people of America. The IRS sent out stimulus checks in three installments. The initial payment of $1200 was given out as Coronavirus Relief Payment. A sum of $600 was followed shortly which was called the December Relief measure. The latest of the checks to be delivered was the $1400 American Rescue Plan.

The third installment was shelled out to 169m citizens. The money was given as direct deposits. However, people could also opt for paper checks. Despite all this money, many families have fallen behind. The rate of unemployed Americans stands at an alarming 5.2%. It exceeds the unemployment rate of 3.5%, recorded before the pandemic. Almost 9billion people suffered as the government scrapped the unemployment stimulus check.