Stimulus Check Latest Updates: $400 Billion Disbursed

Form W-4
Stimulus Check

Additional payments in the form of stimulus checks, amounting to more than $400M have been rolled out to over 171 million payments. The month of March in 2021 was witness to the approval of the American Rescue Plan Act. This was followed by the approval of $450 billion by Congress for the Internal Revenue Service in order to roll out the third batch of stimulus checks.

However, a majority of the allocated amount has so far been spent. The IRS, on Wednesday, made a statement that announced their distribution of the additional payments during July to 2.2 million recipients. This brought up the net number of payments made to a nationwide 171 million. The net amount spent was calculated at over $400M.

The rolled-out checks since March are a part of the third batch of payments for stimulus aid. This was made to the adults who are eligible Americans right from the start of the Pandemic. This was started in the US at the beginning of the pandemic, while the country was still being led by then-President Trump. It was a payment that was provided to the eligible adults and amounted to $1,200.

Stimulus Checks And Donald Trump

Stimulus checks amounting to $1,200 per adult were approved by Trump during his presidency in March of the year 2020 when the first wave of the coronavirus was still in effect. By December, Trump was however a part of major controversies regarding elections and his attempts to manipulate the election results.

This resulted in Congress passing a bill that was smaller and sending out payments in a second round, amounting to $600 as stimulus checks. However, this caused discontent among many Democrats who felt that the amount was too low. The demand was for stimulus checks worth $2000, the deficit amount of which was later made whole by the next elected President, Joe Biden.