Steven Mnuchin and Nancy Pelosi will see to it That A Stimulus Deal Is Legislated This Week

Stimulus Deal

Since election day is almost less than one month away, negotiations have been going at a furious pace between the White House officials and the Democrats. The reason- to legislate a Stimulus deal that will be in motion before Americans started voting. But since then, there has been a major change of plans- Donald Trump has come back from his trip to the hospital after contracting coronavirus, and the Senate has decided to pause all floor action for the next two weeks. In such a scenario, it is obviously harder for Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary, and Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker to overcome the obstacles. And lest it is forgotten, they have to agree on a coronavirus stimulus deal by the end of this week- by hook or by crook. 

Mark Meadows, the Chief of Staff of the White House mentioned that while the POTUS is all in favor of another stimulus deal, he also wants it to be expeditious, and fiscally responsible. Nancy Pelosi stated that while she is confident that a deal will be in motion, she isn’t exactly sure when. Answering a question from a reporter from Politico, she declared that they would be reaching an agreement- whether it be on the side of the victors, or on the side of destruction. But, it would depend on their zeal to fight for their country, and for those who have already given up their lives while combating this dreadful virus. 

The leader of the Senate Majority, Mitch McConnell suspended all floor action in the Senate after three Senators amongst the Republicans contracted COVID-19. Since every Senate floor vote is held completely in person, McConnell spoke about recalling Senators if the need arose. If they had to vote on a Stimulus Package deal, he would be giving the Senators close to 24 hours to come back to the Capitol. Now, let’s discuss the changes that might come into place, following the President’s trip to the hospital after contracting Coronavirus. 

How does Trump’s illness affect the stimulus deal?

Although there are no immediately predictable consequences, Nancy Pelosi believes that it might actually shift the dynamics towards a new coronavirus stimulus deal. She believes that it could possibly be the moment where people would sit up and take notice- a learning experience. As of now, both Steven Mnuching and Nancy Pelosi have tested negative for the virus. 

Before Donald Trump was admitted to a hospital, Mitch McConnell was curiously hopeful that there might be a compromise on hand between the two parties. A deal would be made before long, to combat the pandemic. And the entire week ended with Nancy Pelosi writing a letter to the Democrats about the areas that were still being negotiated upon. 

When could a new coronavirus relief bill realistically pass? 

There is no immediate assurance as to when a coronavirus relief bill will be out for the masses. With the houses currently on a break, most of the negotiators are actually missing deadlines on stimulus deal agreements. Election Day has been set for November 3rd, so if the negotiations were to continue, the last day would still be up in the clouds- with leaders, and Representatives having the power to schedule breaks, as and when they like. 

The stimulus deal is going to be an important landmark in American history- considering the pandemic has turned out to be one of the darkest periods in its timeline. Steven Mnuchin and Nancy Pelosi have to negotiate until they can find a common ground to stand on.