GOOG CAO Has Sold Close To 18 Shares Of The Company


The CEO of GOOG, Amie Thuener O’Toole has sold close to 18 shares of the company’s stocks in a 7th May research report. The average price of the stock was $2,400, with the total transaction coming to $43,200. The CAO currently has ownership of about 979 shares of the stock with a total valuation of $2 million. 

The Quarterly Report Of GOOG

The stocks of GOOG traded on Friday at $17.34. The market cap of the firm was $1.62 trillion, with a 46.35 PE ratio, a 1.66 PEG ratio, and a 0.98 beta. The current ratio of the company is 3.41, with a 3.39 quick ratio. The year low of the company is $1,323.91, with a year high of $2,452.38. The moving average price of the company is $2,224.78, with the moving average price of the company over 200 days is $1,944.23.

GOOG previously updated their quarterly data on the 26th of April. The provider of the information services reported an EPS of $26.29 which was more than the consensus estimate of $15.74. The revenue generated by the company during this period was $55.30 billion, with the analyst estimate coming to $51.40 billion. The net margin of the company was 20.80%, with a 17.31% return on equity. 

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of GOOG. Canaccord Genuity has already increased the price target from $2,400 to $2,600 with a rating of buy in a 26th April research note. Wolfe Research has also provided the company with a rating of outperform with a price target of $2,450 in a 31st March research report. JPMorgan Chase & Co has also put up a rating of buy in a 28th April research note for GOOG.