Stimulus Check Update: When Will The GSS Arrive?

stimulus check
stimulus check

As reported by the Franchise Tax Board in California, the total value of the Golden State Stimulus Check payments is around $857 million. It has also been reported that the state of California started delivering the payments all the way back in August.

Most of the eligible residents will be receiving a sum of $600, along with an extra $500 for every single dependent that qualifies. In order to be eligible for this payment, one needs to be a resident of the state, and also must have filed the 2020 state income tax return before the 15th of October, 2021. 

When Will Your Stimulus Check Arrive?

The Franchise Tax Board in California has stated that it could take quite a few days for the stimulus check payment to be received through direct deposit. For those availing it through paper checks, the payments will be issued out through the last three digits of the zip code on your tax return of 2020.

In the event that your tax return would be processed during or after the date of your scheduled payment on your zip code, you need to wait for 60 days in order to process your return. The stimulus payments are currently being sent out on a rolling basis which should, ideally, be completed by early 2022. 

The state of your stimulus check payment will be decided by your zip code. So, if the last three digits of your zip code read from 000 to 375, then the state has already pushed out the payments or is in the process of doing so. For those with a zip code ending with 376 to 927, the payments will be sent between the 15th of November and the 31st of December. And for those with a zip code ending with 928 to 999, the payments will be sent from the 27th of December to the 11th of January, 2022. 

California also has an online tool that will help you know if you are eligible for the stimulus check payment.