Stimulus Check Update: Georgia Issues Payment

Stimulus check

Although the federal government doesn’t seem to be issuing a stimulus check payment to its citizens, quite a few states and city councils have. In fact, they are still organizing multiple programs that would put the money directly into the hands of their citizens. Georgia is one such state, with most of the front-line workers about to receive a payment of $1,000 in bonus checks.

Here, the city has major plans of paying out the bonus stimulus payments to the workers who did put their own well-being and health at risk- especially during the worst days of the coronavirus pandemic.

Georgia Will Be Issuing A Stimulus Check Payment 

Susan Robertson, the City Manager did state that the employees that they have, have been at the forefront when dealing with COVID and the impact it has had on the community. With the morale currently lagging in the employees, it is only prudent that a stimulus check payment is issued in order to send a more positive message to the employees about the work they do. It would also be a sign of the efforts that they have put up in the last couple of years- which have definitely been appreciated by the state. 

She further continued that all those employees had been more or less exposed on a pretty long-term basis, particularly during the first few months of COVID– when most of the offices, as well as the City Center, were closed to the public. With them suffering the most, they should ideally be the ones that would be benefiting the most from this recognition- which is why the stimulus check has been structured in the way it has been. 

According to the stimulus check plan, most of the full-time city employees have been pretty set to receive a one-time payment of $500 – whereas their part-time colleagues will be receiving a sum of $250. Also, it has been mentioned that frontline workers would be receiving an extra sum of $500 if they worked full time during the pandemic.