Lily Allen Disappointed With Supreme Court

Lily Allen

Lily Allen is one of the biggest singing sensations in the United States of America. She is a well-known figure in the entertainment industry in America. Allen is famous for her exceptional voice and is regarded highly as a singer. She is known for her versatile nature and has a number of hit songs to her name. Lily’s magical voice has helped her to garner a lot of fans from all over the world. However, the singer is also known to be an independent and outspoken woman. She has never been shy from standing up for her rights.

Lily has always been an active social commenter. The singer has recently expressed her views on abortion and the Supreme Court’s decision of overturning the Roe v Wade case. Lily stated that she was very much disappointed at how things went. Lily stated she felt abortion must be legalized in the country. According to the singer, every female must have the choice of deciding whether to opt for a baby or not. Lily Allen said that asking questions from a woman about why she wants to abort her baby is very much disrespectful. Let us learn more about the story in detail below. 

Lily Allen Gives Her Own Example Where She Underwent Abortion 

Lily Allen has always been vocal about her opinions. She has recently expressed her sadness about the outcome of the Roe v Wade case. Lily said that she herself underwent the process of aborting a child a few years back. The singer stated that the only reason for her abortion was that she was not fully ready to raise a child yet. 

Lily Allen felt that a woman must not be liable to state the reason for her decision to abort a child. She must be allowed the freedom to make choices in her life as per her will.