Sir Tom Jones, 82, Collapses Before The Hungarian Concert

tom jones

Before entering the stage, Tom Jones had to cancel his Hungarian concert in Budapest just after collapsing.

Sources had revealed to MailOnline how the star singer was feeling unwell before the concert and collapsed just an hour prior to entering the stage of the famous MVM Dome. According to the reports, Tom Jones, the ”sexbomb” singer, collapsed before going onto the stage, and doctors were summoned to the venue. As a result, the singer’s team had to cancel the show tonight, keeping the star’s health condition in mind. However, the good news for the fans is the singer was released after some treatment, and the management team has rescheduled the time of the concert to 16th August.

As per reports, the singer was trying to continue the show even after such an unfortunate incident. However, the doctors successfully convinced sir Jones to take a rest for the day. However, his management released a statement soon after the singer was declared out of the danger zone by the doctors, where singer Tom Jones sent his apologies to all his fans and ticket holders. They have also declared the rescheduled date for the event mentioned above in that release.

Sir Tom Jones Is The Second Legendary Singer To Experience Such Misfortune 

Sir Tom Jones is second on the list of legendary singers collapsing or falling ill before a concert or show. Recent reports suggest that Carlos Santana also collapsed during his concert close to Detroit. However, the singer’s wife said the legendary singer was also diagnosed with dehydration and heat exhaustion while sharing news about his health with the press. The recent incident of Tom brought back memories of a similar incident with the famous “Black Magic Woman” singer. However, the reasons behind Tom’sTom’s medical incident aren’t clear to the press so far.