Stimulus Checks From Illinois

Stimulus Checks

In less than a month, thousands of Illinois residents will begin receiving a stimulus check of sorts, in the form of a tax rebate.

Beginning Sept. 12, the state will start distributing one-time stimulus check income and property tax relief payments, which were included in the Family Relief Plan, a part of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s budget signed into law earlier this year. Distribution is expected to take an estimated eight weeks, according to Illinois Comptroller Susanna Mendoza.

While many taxpayers do qualify, not everyone in the state is eligible. Here’s a breakdown of each rebate — including who qualifies, the exact payment amounts you might see and what to do if you believe you’re eligible, but haven’t received one.

How To Qualify For These Stimulus Checks?

First and foremost, to be eligible, you must have filed taxes.

In regard to the Individual Income Tax Rebate, a person qualifies if they were an Illinois resident in 2021 and their adjusted gross income was under $400,000 if filing jointly or $200,000 if filing as a single person.

The Property Tax Rebate requires that recipients be Illinois residents who paid property taxes on their primary residence in 2021 and 2022. Their adjusted gross income must be $500,000 or under if filing jointly or if filing as a single person, $250,000 or less.

Anyone who filed taxes as a single person will receive $50. If you filed jointly, you’ll be given a $100 rebate, $50 per person. Those with dependents will receive up to $300, according to the state comptroller’s website. One hundred dollars will be given for each dependent, with a maximum of three.