NFT Adoption By Post Offices Results In A Resurgence Of Philately


In Holland and in Austria, postal stamp collecting has been revived using NFT. Philately? There’s a strong possibility that when you’re a millennial, you searched Google to learn a phrase is specifically dedicated for collecting and researching postal stamps.

As youth of today get more engrossed in their devices and the continuous stream continuous dopamine rushes provided by Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and various other well-known social media sites, this same inquiry also presents an image of a pastime in decline.

In an effort to revitalise the philately industry, these couple of postal services from these two European countries has attempted to take advantage of the increasing demand of nonfungible tokens (NFTs). At the Blockchain Expo in Amsterdam, Cointelegraph spoke with PostNL from the Netherlands and PostAG from Austria to learn more about their joint collaboration in fusing NFTs with postal stamps.

The dynamic pair of PostAG philately director Patricia Liebermann and the product manager of postNL Sacha van Hoorn has sparked a professional connection that appears probably is the foundation of these NFT-driven revival of postage collecting stamps in both nations.

Post Office Adaptation Of NFT Resulting In A Resurgence Of Philately:

A digital twin NFT that was initially created on the ETH platform was used to print the first nonfungible tokens postage stamps that PostAG released in 2019. Austria’s postal service carried out the initiative over the following two years, introducing near-field communication (NFC) chip technology in 2021 to increase the capability, reliability and validity, and safety of postage stamps.

Van Hoorn had already looked at using AR technology and AI on stamps as parts of her continued efforts to innovate PostNL’s post stamp services, but PostAG’s nonfungible tokens successes prompted her to get in touch with her Austrian colleague. A partnership was established since it was understood that growth would need a large amount of resources and time.