California Is About To Receive The New Stimulus Check Payment

Form W-4
Stimulus Check

Quite a few US states have already passed several stimulus check programs that would be providing relief to the residents of their states.

These states, like California, had to take this step since the federal pandemic payments had been discontinued in 2021. In the state of California, Governor Gavin Newsom, through the State of California Franchise Tax Board started issuing several Middle-Class Tax Refunds that would go all the way up to $1,050 to approximately 23 million eligible residents on the 7th of October. The total payments came to around 18 million, which had a sum of $9.5 billion. This definitely represented the largest relief program of this kind in the state history of California.

Stimulus Check Payment To Be Issued In California

In one of the press releases that was issued the day before the first Stimulus check payments were dispatched by the state, Gavin Newsom stated that they know the prices were shooting for the roof, and the state was definitely putting the money back into the pockets of the citizens. They would also be issuing out refunds which were worth around $1,000 to help the families pay for everything from gas to groceries.

However, there are also several anxious residents who are still wondering about the receipt for their payments. In an interview with CalMatters, the spokesperson for the Franchise Tax Board, Andrew LePage, went on to explain that the payment coordination was definitely a thought-out plan. 

As per the Orange County Register, the Franchise Tax Board did state that as of the 7th of November, they still needed to issue close to 18 million stimulus check payments between now and mid-January 2023. So, if a citizen hasn’t yet received the refund, it would be on the way. An updated schedule has already been posted on the FTB site- with the dates of issuing the payment completely dependent upon the last names of the recipients.