You Could Be Receiving Stimulus Check Payments Of $1,050 In A Few Hours

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

The official website for the State Franchise Tax Board for the state of California has stated that close to 7 million stimulus check payments direct deposits have already been issued to the qualifiers.

The size of the payment varies from $200 to $1,050- which also relies on certain variables like the tax filing status, income, and also how many dependents any particular recipient has. For those tax returns which were filed electronically in 2020, a refund on direct deposit should have been administered already. Now, those who did file for a paper tax return had already opted for a debit card- which made them one of the 4.5 million to have the money card being issued recently.

Stimulus Check Payment To Be Issued In California

When one receives the Golden State Stimulus check payment or just a standard refund by payment- they also end up defaulting the payment to a single debit card. All the advanced refund payments in addition to those who changed their banking information ever since they filed in 2020 were also quite a major reason behind them making payments through debit cards.

Now, if your last name begins with W-Z, there is a possibility that your payment will either be mailed on the 4th of December or the 10th of December. Also, it must be mentioned that anyone that falls into the criteria of a debit card- but isn’t a recipient of the Golden State Stimulus will be receiving the money just in time for the new year. 

If there is a possibility of you switching bank accounts from the time you filed for your stimulus check payment, you should be looking out for your money on the 14th of January. It is expected that close to 95% of the payments will be out by the end of the year. Also, around $6 billion in funds will be issued to 19 million individuals.