Bitcoin Volatality Futures Launched By Deribit


Deribit, the crypto derivative exchange has launched Bitcoin volaitility futures as this volatile crypto market is for the investors as they will make portfolio hedging and risk management. On 17th March the company released their new Bitcoin DVOL futures. The derivatives contract was created on the BTC Volatility index of Deribit. This volatility meter helps the investors to understand their expectations for the annualized volatility with a monthly outlook.

Like the different volatility products, the BTC DVOL can help different traders with the quality of assessing risk, hedging the portfolio and speculations. The most popular product in the market has been the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index known as VIX. This keeps fluctuating between one to hundred. The readings that show below twenty ratings have more volatility than the average.

The VIX measures the volatility of S&P 500 points, a leading indicator of the Stock Market. BTC and the wider market of Crypto have shown some extreme volatility over the past years. This period is known as crypto winter that usually goes with deeper corrections in the digi asset prices.

Deribit Launches Bitcoin Volatility Features

The bullish phase of bitcoin has disturbed many people. Even though the products of crypto investment has recently shown record outflow, following the collapse of the Silicon Valley bank and other banks in America. The regulatory price on the deposit of an investor has helped BTC get a huge relief rally. Bitcoin’s prices have crossed 27K on 17th March and this happened for the first time in the last few months.

This new product by Deribit is going to help many investors in the upcoming months. Investors are growing interested in this project.