A Tip on How to Get More Quality Twitter Followers


When you start out on Twitter, it is going to be difficult finding people to follow and who would follow you back.  And we all know that the more followers you have, the better.

Most Twitter users would just use the Twitter search for their keywords, industry, business name or products and services, and try to add everybody that comes out in the search.

This is a good first start, but you are not sure whether they would be interested enough to follow you back.

For example, let us imagine that you are interested in QR codes.  UserA saw an article on QR codes and thought it was cool and shared it with his followers.  UserB, on the other hand, works for a company that helps people and businesses come up with their own QR code campaign.  Which one is more likely to follow you?

One good way to filter out people who just found QR code cool and never thought about them from people who uses and encounters QR codes every day of their lives is to search Twitter bios.  The idea is that if the person puts it in his or her bio, then it must be improtant to him or her.

But how do you do this?

Enter FollowerWonk.com.  It may sound funny or obscene, but it is going to become your best friend rather quickly.


If it is your first time on FollowerWonk, do not fret.  You will be able to log into the site using your Twitter account and when you log in, just pay close attention to the mini-tutorial that the site gives you as a way of introducing their product and features.

The most important feature is the Search Twitter bios.  This is where you are most likely to find people who are interested in the same things that you are.  Perhaps you could learn something from them, as well as them learning something from you.  In short, these are the people worth following and they are also the most likely to follow you back.

Just click on the search Twitter bios tab, put your search query into the the search box and press the “Do It” button and you will see a list of users, their bios, their location, their influence score, the number of tweets they have made.  You could also see the number followers and following they have and how long they have been on Twitter.  Further, it also shows you if the account follows you or not, and if you follow the account or not.


You would need to become a subscriber if you want to download the list or be able to follow interesting Twitter users from the results.

Another helpful feature of FollowerWonk.com is that you would be able to take two or three accounts and compare who these accounts follow and compare the users who follow them.  Just click on the Compare Users tab and put in the user names in the boxes provided, then click on whether you want to compare who they follow or who’s following them.

You would get great analytics on the users’ stats (influence, following count, followers’ count, days on Twitter, number of tweets), along with a nifty Venn diagram showing you just how many users they share between them, along with the specific counts of users unique to each user, and the number of users shared by the accounts you specified.