Axie Infinity Has New Plans Of Doubling Down On The Korean Market

Axie Infinity

Sky Mavis, the illustrious firm behind Axie Infinity, recently stated that they were looking towards doubling down in South Korea.

This would allow them to ramp up the rate of adoption despite the regulatory hurdles. Speaking with Cointelegraph, the co-founder and growth lead of Sky Mavis, Jeffrey Zirlin, went on to state that despite the domestic ban on P2E games still in place, the Korean market was always one of the most important markets for gaming in the world, and there were tons of players in this country itself.

Zirlin also went on to add that this company was looking towards ways of tailoring the game to its cohort of gamers in Korea. The plans were already in place, and they wanted to localize the games to those Korean players who didn’t speak much English. Therefore, there were quite a lot of barriers that one needed to cross to get the games into their hands- and the company was willing to do that. 

Axie Infinity Looking To Solidify Its Place In South Korea

The South Korea Game Rating and Administration Committee has always prohibited the release of domestic blockchain P2E games as a result of the country’s strict anti-gambling policies. In December 2021, the government also moved toward prohibiting the Apple Store and Google Play from advertising such games in the country. In such a situation, Axie Infinity believes that the process will take a lot of time- for it was similar to those app stores where one would have to spend time negotiating and educating. Zirlin also hopes that the adoption of P2E would be enough for the government to walk back on its hawkish regulation in the near future. 

The project by Axie Infinity is still in quite an early stage and hasn’t yet been rolled out in the form of an app via Apple Store or Google Play. According to the Active Player, the game had around 766,000 people that logged into this game the last month- a massive difference from 2.7 million that logged in back in January.