Biden Proposed Covid Relief Package Of $1.9 Trillion With Stimulus Checks Of $1400

Covid relief package
Covid relief package

The Covid relief package is also known as the rescue plan of America includes roughly $416 billion for helping to launch a vaccination program at the national level to vaccinate around 50M people along with reopening many schools as the primary agenda for President-elect Biden’s 1st 100 days.

In his prime-time speech on Thursday, President-elect Biden proposed his Covid relief package of $1.9 trillion which focuses mainly on another round of checks for an ambitious distribution plan for vaccines and for struggling Americans for controlling the devastating pandemic. President-elect Biden is looking to ask Congress which is mostly controlled by the Democrats for approving the rescue plan for America.

More Details On The Covid Relief Package Of Biden

The funds totaling around $416 billion will help in launching a vaccination program at the national level to vaccinate around 100M Americans along with reopening many schools as the primary agenda of the Biden administration’s 1st 100 days. The plan looks for addressing the pandemic which is worsening day by day. According to NBC’s Coronavirus data tracker, around 23M cases and 384,375 deaths have been reported across the US. The speech of President-elect Joe Biden regarding the Covid relief package was both optimistic and harrowing.

He paid his tributes towards the dead Americans who died because of the pandemic and to all the people who are struggling to purchase basic family needs, keep their small businesses afloat, and pay rent. He claims that his Covid relief package will lift many Americans from going into poverty, rebuild the industries of America,re-invest in teachers and first-responders, and keep all the essential workers working in the front-line rooted in their jobs. Billions of dollars are also allocated to helping small businesses.