Bitcoin Cash Bolstered By Key Execs, Jihan Wu & Jiang Zhuoer

Bitcoin cash
Bitcoin cash

Very recently the Bitcoin cash has been getting important gains due to the reason that the supporters of digital currency witnessed good reviews over particular developments including the present support from Kim Dotcom, the internet entrepreneur.

On 11th February, Chinese New Year, some very significant mining executives like Jian Wu and Jian Zhuoer joined the channel discussion of Satoshi’s Angels and spoke for the ‘peer to peer’ cryptocurrency asset Bitcoin cash.

Bitcoin Cash Booming And Raising Expectations

Some very renowned mining executives like Jihan Wu, Bitmain co-founder, and Jiang Zhuoer, founder, are appearing to be very bullish regarding Bitcoin cash. This was reported by a few members of their marketing agency as well as Satoshi’s Angels, an umbrella organization.

Akane Yokoo has founded Satoshi’s Angels and it is one of the organizers of Bitcoin Cash, Tokyo along with the author and educator named Cindy Wang.

Both the founders of SA are major proponents of Bitcoin cash and have informed the people about the several benefits of decentralized cryptocurrency assets. At the time of Chinese New Year, these founders along with a huge number of additional crypto supporters had joined a channel called Wechat for exchanging the red envelopes.

The red envelope indicates a gift of money which is a ritual for the Chinese during their New Year. Cindy Wang has informed that she sent a message to Jihan, saying that she would like to invite him to SA Wechat in order to send his red envelopes through their app.

Wang further informed that Wu did join the Wechat group as well as distributed 3 large red envelopes. SA co-founders are very excited and happy about the optimism shown by Wu and Zhuoer regarding Bitcoin cash.