Stimulus Check Update- Claim Yours By The 22nd Of July


It has been heavily reported that multiple states throughout the country have been issuing stimulus check payments ever since the federal government has refused to pay more.

But the rules for receiving the money can get quite complicated and it varies from state to state. Interestingly, unlike the federal payments which were delivered to most Americans, some payments that have been issued by the states have quite narrow eligibility rules that one needs to follow. Also, any eligible resident might have to go through certain additional steps in order to claim that money.

Minnesota To Issue Stimulus Check Payments

In the state of Minnesota, the government would be issuing a stimulus check sum of $1,500 per person, but only to those who have worked during the pandemic. Those who have been entitled to this payment must also register- and the deadline for registration will be the 22nd of July. According to the Dutch News Tribune, this payment will be issued to those who placed themselves in danger while working when the pandemic was at its peak. This is why a sum of $500 million has already been allocated, with the money being expected to be issued to around 667,000 pandemic workers in the state. 

The amount of stimulus check payment a person will receive will also be heavily dependent on how many people register for this payment. Legislators in the state had initially brought up an estimate that the funding could be made available with a sum of $750 issued to every worker- if they were qualified for the stimulus money. But the payments could go as high as the sum of $1,500 if most people fail to sign up for the payments.