CUTR Is Expected To Post An EPS Of $0.03 By Analysts


The stocks of CUTR have been expected to post an EPS of $0.03 for this fiscal quarter, according to equities analysts working at Zacks. Two of the analysts working at the firm have already provided estimates for the EPS of CUTR, with them ranging all the way from $0.11 to $0.06. Last year, the EPS of CUTR reported was around $0.14, which is indicative of a negative annual growth rate of around 121.4%. The company will be reporting its next earnings report on the 24th of February. 

The Quarterly Earnings Of CUTR

The company had previously posted the results of their earnings on the 4th of November. The EPS reported by the company for that quarter was $0.13, which was set against the consensus estimate of around $0.42. The revenue generated by the company was $39.13 million for this quarter, which was more than the analyst estimate of $35.10 million. CUTR had already accrued a negative net margin of around 18.83%, with a return on its equity set at -61.21%. 

There have been several brokerage firms who have commented on the stocks of Cutera. Stephens has already increased the target price of the company from $18 to $24 along with giving the stocks a rating of ‘overweight’ in one of their 14th September research reports. They have also noted that this particular brokerage move was more of a valuation call.

Zacks Investment Research has also increased the shares of the company from ‘hold’ to ‘buy’, along with a price objective of $24 set for the stocks of the company. Piper Sandler also increased the price target of the company from $22 to $28 and gave CUTR a rating of ‘overweight’ in one of their research reports that were published on the 5th of November.