How a Digital Outlook Has Changed the Way We Think About Everyday Activities

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Digital marketing has given businesses a hugely convenient way to reach out to new audiences but they’ve had a significant effect on how we view certain everyday activities that have blossomed in new directions thanks to the great visibility and dynamism now offered.

Classic Games Go Online

If you’ve played classic board games in the past then you’ll know that they’ve evolved in numerous ways. Titles such as Monopoly and Scrabble have retained their essence while expanding their appeal thanks to brand tie-ins and a fresh look.

As well as thriving in the real world, these classic board games have gone digital. Apps have been created where users can play their favorite board games, like Chess or Monopoly, from their phones. Opponents can be friends or strangers but there’s an option to play against a computer in these digital versions, making the usual need to find other players redundant. These games can be played anywhere and everywhere, making them a lot more accessible than the physical versions of these board games.

Along with board games, traditional gambling games like roulette are available online. Playing online roulette for real money gives a new way of taking part in a game with a long history. Mega Fire Blaze Roulette and Immersive Roulette are two examples of changes to the presentation that make it easier to take part in online play with a live human dealer streamed onto the screen. The gameplay is broadly similar to roulette games from the past but with new digital elements such as random multipliers and bonus rounds in some cases.

People Are Becoming Digital Chefs

Few activities have changed so much in so little time as cooking has. The first TV cookery show was 1937’s Cook’s Night Out with Marcel Boulestin, but it wasn’t until the rise of high-profile TV chefs and dedicated cookery channels towards the end of the century that it started to become trendy. In the book Watching What We Eat: The Evolution of Television Cooking Shows by Kathleen Collins, the author points out that TV chefs have raised out level of food sophistication while cooking became a new kind of spectator sport.

Online access to recipes and tips has helped inspire us to consider cooking as a form of entertainment closely linked to the digital world. In a survey carried out to promote their Taste of Tomorrow content, Samsung confirmed that almost three-quarters of Brits are now digital chefs. Smartphones and smart fridges are among the technologies now used to get connected when planning meals and looking for recipes.

Watching Sports in Digital Settings

The digitalization of sports has caused new trends, allowing fans all over the planet to support any team they choose. Live streaming of matches and constant access to social media has allowed everyone to feel closely connected to teams and players, regardless of the physical distance between them.

Digital stadiums have become a huge factor in how we enjoy going to games and events. From finding our seats online to ordering our food comfortably without having to get up, mobile apps can be used to help us feel part of the experience. The Orange Vélodrome in Marseille recently became France’s first 5G stadium, with fans able to use virtual reality headsets and choose the type of commentary they wanted to listen to.

All of these changes have refreshed the activities in question and shown us how a digital approach can help add a new edge to some long-established areas of life.