How to Choose a Good SEO Company for Your Business

history of seo
history of seo

By now, we are sure that you have heard all about SEO and its importance for your company. Search Engine Optimization is one of the most critical elements of digital marketing, and a vital exercise to get your site ranked correctly. In essence, Google regularly scrapes your site to see where to categorize you and how high to rank you.

SEO can get easier once you get the hang of it. The problem is that it is continuously evolving, there are numerous elements to consider and it can get quite technical. So, if you are a busy business owner, you will want to consider outsourcing this to a professional company. Not only can you expect better results, but the ROI is certainly worth it.

So, what do you need to know before choosing a company? We took a look at the key considerations when picking an SEO company to help you.

Expect a Good Proposal

The first thing you will need to look out for is the proposal. A professional company will send through a proposal breaking down all of the elements that they offer with costs and pricing. Examine the professionalism of the proposal carefully. A reputable company will make use of a good SEO proposal template and carefully list all of their services and break down each element of their services.

If, for example, some of the listings are a bit vague or broad, you may need to ask the company for more details. But, a professional proposal should have all technical aspects broken down and explained. You shouldn’t need to follow up for more details.

Choose a SEO Company in Your Region

There are thousands of companies globally offering SEO services with vast amounts of expertise. However, instead of reaching out to a top global company, thinking they will do a more professional job, it could be worth your while looking closer to home. Not only will the company be more familiar with your brand and offering, but they will know your target audience better.

So, if your business is based in Orange County, for example, look for an OC SEO agency to handle your SEO. They will know what is being searched for, what is trending, and what is working for other businesses in the area. They will also use data-backed strategies for decisions. So, all of your SEO efforts will pay off by reaching your customers in your region.

Don’t Go for the Cheapest SEO Company

You may be tempted to save some costs when it comes to SEO, but the fact of the matter is, the cheaper the company, the lower the quality usually. Low-cost agencies usually do come with higher risks, and you can expect less professionalism and quality of work should you go for the lowest offer.

A low-cost company also comes with the risk of causing long-term damage to your site. So, not only do you need to consider the results of SEO exercises, but the integrity of your site. We have seen companies who have had serious damage done to their domain as well as their site by low-ball companies. Content writing, link-building and site changes need to be carefully rolled out. If you get a company that is not well-versed and is doing some dodgy link building, Google will pick it up. Keep this in mind when faced with a really low quote, and keep looking for a reputable company.

Ask for Case Studies and Examples

When considering a company, ask for examples of their work, and especially ask for examples of a company within your industry. You will want to know that their keyword research and rankings are up-to-date and optimized to work with your company. Say, for example, you are an eCommerce company, with the ultimate goal being online sales, that’s what they should be providing other companies. If they can provide you with case studies for other eCommerce companies, preferably with a similar size product catalog to yours, you can remain confident that they will succeed with you.

Keep in mind though, when looking at their results, successes and results do come in different forms. It’s essential to watch what metrics are being offered to you and what is being demonstrated.  While rankings and reach are important, what you should also be hearing is conversions. Listen out for discussions around actual sales and conversions, and if you don’t hear this, chances are they do not have the bigger picture of your brand in mind.

Think Beyond Your SEO

While we are on that topic, this is key to keep in mind. Yes, SEO is about ranking in the top results of Google, but it does go further than that. Once you start generating healthy content for your site, how are you monitoring it? How are you ensuring that it is converting and not simply bouncing?

A good SEO company will be keeping this in mind and making efforts to measure and report on various metrics in the company. Find out if they provide services such as A/B testing and metric reporting before hiring them.

The Bottom Line

Before going ahead with an SEO company, it is important to ensure that the company has a good reputation. Do some online research first and even contact their clients directly to get some insight into the company.