People Left In Shock After Finding Out That There Were More Features On iPhone Calculators Than They Know

iPhone 12 Pro

It’s not that difficult to use the calculator on your iPhone, is it? To use it, simply open it, enter your computation, and click the equals sign. It’s frustrating whether it’s the consequence of a simple slip of the hand or something more serious like having too many beers before attempting to figure out how much of the check you need to cover at a restaurant.

How To Use The iPhone Calculator To Its Best Potential

You can erase numbers one at a time by swiping left or right across the display of your iPhone, saving you the trouble of erasing all of your calculations for a single, little mistake. This eliminates the need to click the ‘C’ button. There are more calculator hacks available besides that one.

There’s a technique for it too, if you want to cut down on calculating time on your iPhone. You may indeed duplicate your previous outcome without even opening the program. After completing a calculation and switching to another app, all you have to do is press it, hold down, and an icon with the option to duplicate your most recent number will show up. You can also convert the app into a scientific calculator if you want to perform more complex calculations by rotating your phone lengthwise to expose the scientific buttons and disabling the lock on your screen orientation.

The trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions may be seen by rotating your phone.