Wall Street Will Be Expecting NSTG To Report Sales Of $34.37 Million


According to reports staked by Zacks Investment Research, analysts at Wall Street are looking at NSTG to report sales of about $34.37 million for the quarter. The report claims that close to three analysts have already provided estimates into the earnings of the company. The range has gone all the way from $32.96 million to $35.65 million. The stocks of NSTG did report a sales sum of $36.93 million the previous quarter- which is indicative of a negative annual growth rate of about 6.9%. The next quarterly earnings report for this company will come out on the 24th of February.

The Quarterly Earnings of NSTG

NanoString Technologies or NSTG brought out their previous quarterly report on the 9th of November. The microbiology company had reported an EPS of $0.56 for the quarter, which was then added with the consensus estimate of $0.61. The company has a return on its equity that is at a deficit of 68.96%, with the net margin at a deficit of 53.47%. The revenue generated by the company the previous quarter was $31.85 million, which was more than the consensus statement of $30.13 million. 

Several research equities have commented on the stocks of NSTG. Zacks Investment Research has already increased the shares of this company from a rating of sell to a rating of hold which was then published in a report. Cowen has also gone the Zacks’ route- having increased the rating from market perform to outperform, along with a price target set at $75.

Robert W. Baird has also elevated the price target on the company from $60 to $70 while giving the stocks a rating of equal weight. In the end, JPMorgan Chase & Co went ahead to finish the race with a target price of $60 that was issued in a research note published on the 2nd of December. 

Two of the research analysts working on the stocks of NSTG have provided the stocks with a rating of hold, while four other analysts have given it a rating of buy. Currently, NSTG has a buy rating, with a price target set at $52.29.