Stimulus Check Update: Delay Reason For $600 California Payments

stimulus check
stimulus check

At the beginning of this month, the legislative unit of California had already approved a bill for further stimulus check payment. The next round of stimulus payments would have a sum value of $600 and will be sent to those who have an annual payment of less than $75,000. Most of the families which are undocumented along with those with children would receive a further sum of $500. Interestingly, those who have already received a stimulus payment wouldn’t be receiving another one. After the law came into being, most of the legislators along with the governor have been relatively silent about when the stimulus payments would be made. 

This silence can be attributed to the fact that the budget for the fiscal year 2021-2022 has not been finalized yet. In the state of California, most of the legislators, as well as the Governor, need to be in complete agreement on the budget for it to be passed on the 15th of June. In the event that no agreement can be made, the salaries of the members are usually withheld until the budgets get passed.

Interestingly, this year saw the preliminary budget getting finalized before the deadline- which led to the two sides still trying to hammer out the finer details. Once they come to a final budget, the citizens would be dished out their stimulus check payments. 

What elements have already been negotiated under the Stimulus check budget?

The current year has seen the legislative board along with the Governor not being in complete agreement over the annual budget. Nonetheless, they have decided to go without any conceivable hit to their salary by coming out with a preliminary budget on the 14th of June. 

While this may definitely upset the residents of the state who had been looking for more from the people who represented them- but there is a silver lining for them. Most issues regarding the stimulus check have already been finalized- just a few loose ends need to be tied up.