$37 Billion Stimulus Checks Coming To These Lucky People

stimulus checks

The fourth stimulus check is off the table but other sources of aid are still available. 

With the unemployment rate in October reaching a pandemic-era low and plenty of jobs being available, it’s hard to make the case for a widespread round of aid.

Those Americans in line for the boosted Child Tax Credit should still see one more installment payment hit their bank accounts this year. Those in line for rental assistance could end up getting a windfall, too.

Countless Americans struggled with income loss and increased expenses in the course of the pandemic. That put many people in a position where they couldn’t pay their rent. There’s a huge pool of rent relief funds that many struggling renters are eligible for. Between the last two stimulus checks, nearly $46 billion in relief dollars was made available to the citizens. Of that, only about 20% have been dispatched. That means there is still roughly $37 billion in rental assistance to go around, and those who have not yet applied for it should do so immediately.

How Do You Qualify For This Stimulus Check/ Rental Assistance?

To qualify, you must add the fact that you or a member of your family lost income during the pandemic, incurred added expenses, or lost a job. You must also prove that you are at risk of becoming homeless. Since the aforementioned eviction ban is no longer in place, a past due notice from your landlord should suffice for that purpose.

Your income cannot exceed 80% of your area’s median income to qualify for these relief stimulus checks. But generally, the size of your household is taken into account when setting those thresholds which means that the income limits for a two-person household are lower than the income limits for a five-person household.