Strike Wallet Has Seemingly Increased In Its Popularity

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Australian Stock Exchange

The digital wallet of Strike has turned out to be the fifth most popular finance app in Argentina within a week of it being launched. The firm, which is led by CEO Jack Mallers, has rolled out its services for crypto payment for the Argentinian market on the 12th of January. This digital wallet is famed for enabling Bitcoin payments through the Lightning network, particularly in El Salvador.

However, as reported by local media and user reports, the firm’s app in Argentina has reportedly currently only supported the use of the stable coin of Tether for transfers through Lightning. Users would be able to purchase Bitcoin through the app and send it through a third-party wallet. 

Strike Wallet Could Be The Missing Link For Latin America

Mallers recently tweeted on the 18th of January that the app of Strike was currently ranked as the fifth-highest finance app and the top new app overall on the Argentinian Apple app store, as he emphasized the importance of the network of Bitcoin. The best monetary network in human history is here, it is pretty open, and will be disrupting the world far quicker than anyone could think- which would lead to Open networks winning. 

The CEO further stated that earlier this week Strike is working to bring additional support to BTC and features to the app while noting that the company will be taking the exact same approach that has been taken in El Salvador. 

Interestingly, neither Mallers nor Strike has highlighted the use of Tether as a major part of the initial announcement of the company, however, the CEO did note that the app would be enabling the people of Argentian to hold a stable cash balance that could be spent both instantly and with no separate fees.