The Official Joe Biden Campaign Island On Animal Crossing Is Here; Know What’s In Store In Biden HQ

Animal Crossing Biden Island
Animal Crossing Biden Island

The presidential campaign for the Democratic presidential nominee has set up a campaign island in the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the idea is a unique one. But what’s the need for such a dream island in a game? Know all about this lovely dreamland in this article.

The election is just around the corner and the Democratic nominee is using an unusual tactic before the biggest Presidential election in the recent history.

The Official Joe Biden Campaign Island On Animal Crossing Is Here; Know What’s In Store In Biden HQ 3

Animal Crossing: New Horizons To Feature Biden HQ Island

On Friday, Joe Biden premiered in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Biden Island in a game avatar. A recent tweet by Greg Miller announced that Kinda Funny Games Twitch Channel have partnered with Joe Biden to be the first ones to show off the official Biden Island on Friday. The Friday morning Twitch TV live showed off Biden and his dream island to Americans.

Animal Crossing: New Horizon released in March 2020 and has been a hit ever since. This also happened because the release of the game coincided with the nationwide lockdown that began to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Within a very short span millions of people were playing the game.

Some people are of the opinion that the Democratic nominee is using the Animal Crossing craze to show Americans that he is not the other guy. In a combat between Trump and Biden, this is an essential criterion if Democrats wish to win this crucial election.

Biden HQ As A Promotional Island

What Biden is portraying in the dream island is literally a dream, but one that every American wishes for nonetheless. It is not entirely different from his political campaigns prior to the elections. Biden reiterates the dream he has for the American public in the Animal Crossing Island as well.

Now, let us get into some of the particulars of this promotional island.

In the game, you can sleep and dream of Biden HQ, which is the game name of the island. When you wake up on the bed, and roam around a little, Joe Biden appears on the game himself and greets you with the popular Biden campaign slogan “No Malarkey!”

Joe Biden in animal crossing: No Malarkey
The Official Joe Biden Campaign Island On Animal Crossing Is Here; Know What’s In Store In Biden HQ 4

Since you’re visiting the game via a dream code, the host doesn’t have to be present at the same time with you in the game. That makes the promotional factor much easier for Biden HQ in Animal Crossing. There are other interesting elements like the pride color flags, everyone is portrayed as happy, neighborhoods are clean and the offices have a lot of realistic features.

Much of the idea of the Animal Crossing island is to familiarize people with voter registrations and ballot drop-off locations. Biden’s campaign takes on a different turn with this new tactic.