$400 Stimulus Check For Gas Proposed By Gov. Gavin Newsom

Stimulus Check
Stimulus Check

According to reports in March, the administration of Joe Biden announced a free stimulus check for gas across the United States of America. This was done to lower the pressure at the gas pump. House Democrat Axios said that Biden lost the idea because of the high cost of the project. They were worried that the IRS would be facing too much pressure because of this new stimulus check. 

Newsom’s Plan For New Gas Stimulus Check

In the previous week, the price of gas went very high in California. It stood at $5.80. It prompted Newsom to work on this new gas stimulus check. The residents of California will receive direct relief payments. The new legislative relief is proposed to cut down on travel costs. Relief of two billion dollars in the form of a new stimulus check will help in providing free transportation of gas. This will suspend the inflation of diesel and gas excise tax. This report was released on 23rd March by the office of Newsom. 

The new stimulus check was brought on due to the deadly invasion of Ukraine by Putin. The new check has a lot of benefits. In addition to providing free transportation for 3 months, it will also provide funding for walking projects and local biking. Also, it will fast-track the incentives related to electric vehicles. With this package, a total sum of nine billion dollars has been allocated for providing direct incentives of 400 dollars for each vehicle. If this bill gets approved and eventually passed, this new check will be delivered to each California resident by the end of July 2022.