40 Creative Video Content Ideas for Your Business

video content ideas
video content ideas

“When I discovered YouTube, I didn’t work for 5 days.” – Michael Scott

Youtube, Periscope, and any video content based platforms are the world’s best platforms to waste time on. You must have been guilty for at least once, for wasting a lot of time on YouTube. That’s because videos there are very simple, addictive, and very entertaining.

According to studies, 78% of internet users watch online videos every week, and 55% do that every day.

That’s why YouTube is also the world’s best success maker. If you are producing videos on YouTube and you had a creative idea, it’s very easy you can go viral and earn from it.

Video content holds so much potential for engagement, shares, and interactions for new businesses. So, it’s the best visual marketing tool ever.

However, creating videos can be a little profound. Even with all the helpful tools out there like Animoto, a lot of people can’t easily reach some simple and creative ideas for video content that would grab the audience’s attention.

So, these are 40 video content easy, creative, and engaging ideas for your business:

1  | Share your announcements

If you have a piece of news or any announcement to say to your audience, don’t tweet it or write it in a Facebook post. Instead, make a short video and share it on social media.

2  |  Create a parody

Try to make a smart twist of a famous movie or video clip. People love to watch these creative twists on modern topics. Therefore, use this to the advantage of your business. If you’re going to make this, make sure you’re doing it while it’s still hot in the trend.

3  |  Record customer feedback

Produce quick and relevant customer feedback about a product or service. This kind of video content is very relatable and engaging.

4  |  Create a how-to video content

People want to see how you do it not just listen to your advice about doing it. So, film a video explaining to your audience how to do something.

5  |  Host a Q+A

Collect your audience’s questions and create video content that includes all the answers.

6  |  Give them a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look

We all love to get in the inside scoop. If you are working on a new project or product, record a behind-the-scenes video, and take your audience in a new adventure.

7  |  Share with your audience the making of your product

Video content about the making of your product is so relatable and engaging. Also, if you’re offering a service, show people the process then share the final results.

8  |  Produce a stop-motion video

When you think of stop-motion videos, you think of some incredibly creative and extremely engaging ideas. However, you don’t always have to make them so complicated. Capture quick pictures of anything in action and put them together in a video creator like Animoto to get that same stop-motion result.

9  |  Demonstrate how to use or not to use your product

Besides sharing the typical how-to videos about your product, think of creating a more entertaining video of what people have to NOT do.

10  |  Introduce your employees

If you’re working with a team, make a humane move and introduce your behind the scenes team with your audience. Do a question and answer interview with them or make them tell a story.

11  |  Lead an interview

Bring a professional in your industry and ask them questions that may be good for your audience.

12  |  Write and draw on a chalkboard/whiteboard

Writing and drawing on a chalkboard or whiteboard is appealing even if you don’t have good handwriting. It’s very easy to create, just put your camera on a tripod, hand your board on a wall and start.

13  |  Create a screen-sharing video

Use a screen recording video tool to create a how-to video on the computer. This will be a simple tutorial for your audience to benefit from.

14  |  Share a review on a product or unbox something 

If you use specific tools or products in your field, show them to your audience, share a review, or just unbox them.

15  |  Share a full day of your life

Film short videos throughout the day and put them together in a video that will show people how the day of your field looks like.

16  |  Create a time-lapse video

If you are doing something that takes a lot of time, film it, then speed it up and share it with your audience.

17  |  Create a before + after video content

If you are transforming something in your brand, project, or office, create a before and after video content of this renovation.

18  |  Reveal a product

To manage building trust with your audience, tell them how you do things related to your business, and reveal products you use when doing this.

19  |  Create a Thank You video

If you have great news for a new event, success, or a new start of something, share it with your audience and thank them on a live video.

20  |  Tell a story

If you have an engaging story that is related to your industry, share it smartly with your audience. You can also exaggerate to make it more relatable and engaging.

21  |  Collection video clips

It’s a popular method in blog posts, you can also use it with your videos. Collect the best videos from the year or related t a particular topic and put them together. You can also collect your project and make a portfolio.

22  |  Recap a blog post

If you have blog posts with bulleted steps, you can create a graphic video for every step and put them all together in a simple video. After that, share your video on social media and benefit from it having traffic on your site.

23  |  Create a teaser video

If you have a new start or a new announcement coming soon, you may share a video that includes a hint or a teasing video to make your audience excited.

24  |  Create a video about a tour in your office

People are interested in seeing places, particularly when they are creative. Make your audience familiar with your place by sharing with them a simple tour.

25  |  Create a FAQ video

Your audience may get bored reading all of the FAQ pages. So, liven them up with a new way of answering them in a video. You can go deep by recording the screen and sharing some animations to answer the questions.

26  |  Create an animation video

Animated video content is interesting for many people. You can use it to tell a story or speak about an experience you had.

27  |  Create an introduction video about your business

Share an introduction or a brief about your business with your audience. For example, you did you start, what is your mission, what are your values, and so on. These videos work very well on home pages and websites.

28  |  Do a voiceover

With Dubsmash for example, find a pre-existing video and turn out the words to make it more related to some part of your business. Be creative, and don’t forget to take permission before using the video of someone else.

29  |  Commentating on an event video

It’s something like what sportscasters do in football matches. It could be a discussion, a meeting, a business lunch… the options are infinite.

30  |  Create a publicity stunt

This video idea needs a bit of creativity and courage, yet it has the possibility to grab the audience’s attention. Think of ways to attract people by surprising them or grab their attention in public and film it on video.

31  |  Create a video sharing your opinion on a specific topic

Controversial video content is usually the most shared. If there is something significant happening in the world that has an influence on your industry, Create a video about your opinion about it.

32| Film a video proving or disapproving something

If there is a rumor about something related to your industry, and you know it’s not true, create an experimental video about it to prove that it’s a rumor.

33  |  Create a competition video

You can create a video of a competition or a challenge of something related to your industry. Then, film another video of the results of the competition revealing the winner, and the giveaways your winner will receive.

34  |  Do a parody or impersonate a popular person

Be creative and you will might have the chance to participate in SNL skit. If you’re impersonating a celebrity, competitor, or co-worker, think of new ideas that you can relate it to your business in a smart way.

35  |  Reel off a quick list

If you own a long list of tools, tips, or ideas this type of video content will work well in videos just like it does with blogposts.

36  |  Hide a camera and film a reaction

If you’re planning on catching someone by surprise or you want to get an honest, firsthand user reaction to your product, consider hiding a camera and catching it on film. However, use discretion on this one and be sure to get the permission of the people you film before you post the video and share it.

37  |  Create a public poll

If you need to get a feedback on a specific topic, ask your audience for their feedback, and record the answers.

38  |  Share the poll’s results

Perhaps you have already polled your business. Rather than that, keep the results or share them in your blog post. And if you decided to share them in a video, be creative!

39  |  Give your audience some tips & tricks

Create a video revealing some tips and tricks that will benefit your audience in things related to your industry.

40  |  Create a Cinemagraph

Cinemagraphs are yet structures that have a changing aspect. This video idea is a stop-motion idea we shared in points above and can be an easy, relatable way to collect data or explain progress.