Ali Larter has Apologized to the Accusations Put Forward By Leonard Roberts

Ali Larter
Ali Larter

Ali Larter, who most of us would recognize from the show ‘Heroes’ recently went on to apologize to her erstwhile co-star Leonard Roberts on the accusations he has put forward. According to the male actor, his dismissal from ‘Heroes’ was partly due to the mistreatment that he had to face at the hands of Ali Larter.

He also believes that this mistreatment came as a result of racial prejudice- for he is black. Ali Larter replied to these accusations, mentioning how apologetic she was with the accusations put forward by Leonard. She was also upset by hearing the ordeal of her co-star. And finally, she apologized to him for any unintentional action on her part that led to him thinking she was misbehaving with him. She spoke about how much she respected Leonard for his skills as an artist, and it was deeply saddening that he had to face all that.

Leonard Roberts Claims Ali Larter’s Racial Prejudice To Be the Reason Behind his Mistreatment

Ali Larter and Leonard Roberts played the role of a married couple in the hit show- which entailed that they had several scenes together. Here, Roberts spoke up about how he had always tried to establish camaraderie with Ali Larter in the hopes of the scene becoming easier, but Ali never responded. Things came to a head with a TV guide Blind Items, where rumors surfaced about a leading lady who couldn’t stand being in the same room as the leading man. When Roberts went to speak about it to Dennis Hammer- the executive producer on the show- he was assured that things were being worked upon internally. 

Later, he was killed off from the show.  

Interestingly, there have been quite a few people who have gone on record to substantiate Roberts’ claims about his treatment. Several of them have spoken about how Ali Larter was less than polite to him, something even Dennis Hammer didn’t refute. And despite Ali Larter conducting an off-the-record communication with a representative- nothing substantial could be produced.