Stimulus Check Worth $1600 Waiting For You!

stimulus checks

Stimulus Check demands do not seem to subside anytime soon. They seem to grow louder and louder with each passing day. Politicians and activists have taken all necessary steps to make the government announce another check.

A couple of petitions were launched that demanded direct monthly payments from the government. Out of the two petitions, one has gained a significant amount of limelight. This petition has amassed a whopping 2.8million signatures. It is well in the race for becoming the most signed petition if it reaches 3m. 

However, there can be good news that very few are aware of. You might have a $1600 payment due from the IRS! Let us look at the whereabouts of the check in detail at once. 

Stimulus Check From IRS Due?

The IRS has sent out what seems to be the last of the stimulus check. It amounted to $1400 and was rolled out as direct deposits. The citizens are still in line to receive the money from Child Tax Credit. This money is expected to be delivered on the 15th of every month. Any family having children up to seventeen years of age are entitled to receive the money. Kids up to 6years will receive $300 per month whereas children between 6-17 years will get $250. 

However, much to the ignorance of many, a $1600 unemployment refund is still due. An individual who filed a tax report in 2020 and was unemployed will receive the money. The taxpayer needs to be unemployed for at least one week to be eligible. 

The calculations suggested that families with adjusted incomes below $150000 will get $1600. The stimulus check amount is subject to calculation and might differ. Some might receive more than $1600 while others may settle for a lesser amount.