Stimulus Check: States Create Their Own Checks

Social security
social security

Stimulus Check for the fourth time has been in high demand. The federal government allotted three checks. The last check amounted to $1400. All these checks were of great help for the struggling households. Unfortunately, the government stopped the checks after the third round. This created a huge problem for the Americans. Most of the families still struggled to find their feet. What followed was a tsunami of petitions and letters. A couple of petitions were launched. One of them was initiated by a Colorado entrepreneur. The petition claimed a monthly $2000 from the government. All these requests failed to change the government’s mind. Thus, most of the states have designed their own stimulus check. Let us take a look at them below. 

Stimulus Check Designed By States To Aid The Locals

A number of states have come up with the announcement of monetary funding. California was the first of many states to initiate the movement. Governor Gavin Newsom declared the Golden State Stimulus II. The main aim of this initiative was to provide financial relief for Californians. Residents earning less than $75000 will receive a sum of $600. Children will be paid an extra $500.

States like Georgia, Florida, California have decided to grant a Thank You check. This check will be given exclusively to the teachers. The teachers have done a fantastic job in providing quality education to the children. They risked their lives and continued teaching amidst the pandemic. The States are thus paying respect to them by offering them checks. These checks will be worth $1000. 

Stimulus Check has also been announced by Tennessee, Michigan, New York, Colorado. This money given by the states is surely acting as a boon to the citizens at the moment.