Getting A 4th Stimulus Check: States Hand Out Their Version As The Federal Government Dithers

stimulus checks

A 4th stimulus check seems unlikely from the federal administration at this stage. President Biden has put all other incentives on hold as it attempts to push through the massive infrastructure bill worth $3.5T. The colossal spending will result in a substantial lift to the economy. But the benefits will be indirect, and it will be some time before the benefits trickle in.

In this situation, several states have stepped in to help people out with their checks to tide over the economic downturn brought about by the pandemic. Many states have disbursed around $7,500 to residents who match up to the criteria.

State Stimulus Check Fill In For The Absence Of A 4th Federal Stimulus Check

The Golden State stimulus payments are being dispatched with individuals getting $600 plus an added $500 for a dependent. The stimulus checks are going out through direct deposits starting October 6.

Families who applied for Earned Income Tax Credit in Maryland received an immediate stimulus check of $500, while individuals received $300. 400,000 residents of Maryland received relief totaling $178M.

Detroit’s teachers involved in teaching in classrooms have received $2,000 by way of hazard pay. An additional check of $2,000 could be theirs if they include hybrid learning as part of their duties. Teachers across Michigan will receive $500 while school staff will receive $250.

Vermont is offering $7,500 for citizens moving into the state to work in specific industries. Earlier, workers in the state received $2,000 to remain in their jobs.

New Mexico has invested $5M towards the support of low-earning groups that did not receive federal aid. First responders in Florida got a stimulus check worth $1,000. School administrators and teachers received identical stimulus checks.

Teachers in Texas, Colorado, Tennessee, and Georgia received checks of $1,000 max.