645,000 Americans Are Yet To Get Their Stimulus Check

Stimulus Check Disability Benefit
Stimulus Check

A Federal Treasury report indicates that around 167M Americans received their stimulus checks on time. That is around 99.5% of the total number of eligible citizens. The bulk of the payment went out last summer and spring. But a fresh report gives details of citizens who are yet to get their stimulus check though they are entitled to it.

The IG of the Dept. of the Federal Treasury has reported that as many as 645,000 Americans entitled to a stimulus check had not received it by the middle of September last year.

The treasury report further stated that 99.5% of citizens (167M) received the payment on schedule. Around 294,000 citizens were issued advance relief checks but have reported that they have not received them. They also include people who received their RRC card but have failed to activate it.

It is also likely that numerous individuals received their relief checks since the report came out in September. Additionally, around $1.9B worth of payments reached 1.2M individuals and families who were not eligible for it. 

Many Americans Also Received Duplicate Stimulus Checks

Many Americans also were sent duplicate payments, though they were not entitled, as they were not American citizens, or were disqualified, for various reasons.

The IG has also suggested measures to solve the issues. The TIGTA made numerous recommendations in their report that included measures to ensure that the people who were identified and not considered for the relief check should be immediately given a stimulus check if they are eligible.

The TIGTA  also suggested notifying all eligible citizens who did not receive their stimulus check before December 31 that they are deemed eligible to claim the RRC on the income tax returns to be filed in 2022 for the 2021 tax year.

The third stimulus check under the American Rescue Act will be the last pandemic check. At present any initiative.