Binance Plans Crypto Awareness In Africa


Binance is one of the most popular names in the crypto market. They have established themselves as one of the leading names in the industry. The emergence of the crypto market has taken the world by storm. The market is currently gaining momentum all over the world. People are becoming more and more interested in investing in cryptocurrencies. However, there are still a lot of countries that do not have enough knowledge about the market.

Lack of infrastructure is another main concern for some countries. Binance has recently decided to address the issue. They want more and more people to come and join the crypto world. In order to achieve its mission, the company has decided to target some of the countries that are lacking significantly in this market. One of the biggest targets has been Africa.

The crypto market is looking at Africa as one of its biggest potential scopes for expansion. Africa is a huge continent. If the people are being educated properly, the market opportunities are huge in Africa. The people of Africa have also shown their interest in digital assets. Keeping these things in mind, an awareness campaign will be launched to garner more traffic from Africa. Let us learn more about the story in detail below. 

Binance To Launch BCAT Africa 2022

Binance has made it its mission to educate the people of Africa about the crypto world. They have devised a campaign named Blockchain and Crypto Awareness Tour. The campaign is set to take place in the month of June. 

Binance has studied the recent trends in Africa. It has been observed that the crypto market increased by 1200% in the last year in Africa. The company aims to target university students as well.