Update On Massachusetts Stimulus Check: Residents To Recieve Payments In Two Days

stimulus check

The final stimulus check payment—up to $400—for participants in food as well as other assistance programs in Massachusetts, Chelsea specifically—will be given to them in only two days.

738 chosen homes will get final payouts ranging from about $200 to approximately $400 on 15th May. The money will be used to pay for food and electricity bills. The money would be put into the receiver’s debit cards, which were given out in March, according to a Chelsea municipal representative, who talked to the Washington Examiner.

According to the program’s website, the receivers of this stimulus check scheme would be selected via a lottery-like system, and the city staff has been reviewing forms and has been preferring those with children below 18 years of age, disabled people, war veterans, those above 65, families ineligible for any other federal stimulus checks, households with a head who identifies as a female, and families who have members whose gender identities are marginalized.

Stimulus Checks To Depend Upon The Size Of A Family

The amount granted will be depending upon the size of the family. A family with one member will be receiving $200, a family with two people will be receiving $300, and families that have members above three will be earning $400. Families must be Chelsea residents and have household incomes that were 30% below the neighborhood median to qualify for this stimulus check. To qualify for the program, households with one member would need to earn less than $29,450, and families of two people would need to earn less than $33,650. For each extra household member, the amount went up.

On 15th March, the first stimulus check had been made, and on 15th May, the last check will be sent. The initiative would end after the last payment, the official told the Washington Examiner.